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young girl in the library reading a copy of The Night Before Pride

create & celebrate a nation of diverse readers

Let's read and grow together with 12 months of recommended books, authors, and teaching resources that promote diversity and inclusion.
Marley Dias
“Diverse stories provide kids with different perspectives and help them see how others think and feel. Put reading to kids on your calendar all year round. Take NEA's Read Across America Diverse Books Challenge and help kids of all ages discover their own voices as they learn from the stories of others.”
Quote by: Marley Dias, Read Across America Ambassador 2021-23, and Founder, #1000BlackGirlBooks

Ready, Set...Read!

Celebrate the joy of reading this month with these featured articles and resources.
young girl in glasses sits and reads a picture book at library

The Joy of Reading Isn't Dead, Yet

While the number of students who say they read for fun is at an all-time low, NEA members are turning the tide by providing access, choice, and maybe a dog in the library.
cropped cover of the book Hair Love

African American Authors Booklist

This list featuring the books of 100 wonderful Black authors, illustrators, and poets is meant to help introduce readers to some of the many African American creators who are celebrated in the field of children’s literature and tell important truths and stories that captivate kids. Some you may already be familiar with, and some are newer voices. Many create books for all ages of readers. Getting to know them all gives readers the opportunity to find favorite writers to grow with.
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Don’t Miss RHCB’s 2023 Galaxy of Stars!

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Stock your K-12 classroom bookshelves and reading recommendation lists with 90+ children’s books that have received starred reviews from trusted professional journals throughout the year. From picture books to young adult novels, there’s something for every reader to dive in to!

NEA strives to make sure that every student has access to age-appropriate books that show they are reflected and respected, and opposes efforts to limit students’ access to such books. Nevertheless, NEA urges educators to comply with state and local laws and policies that may limit what books they may teach and recommend to their students. 

Chapter Books for Early Readers

magic treehouse book covers

Create enthusiastic readers with Magic Tree House (MTH) early chapter book choices for beginning independent readers that are fun, accessible, and help improve comprehension and the habit of reading.

  • Magic Tree House Book #8: Midnight on the Moon

  • Nonfiction: Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Space

Ready to use these MTH books and more in your classroom? Visit for downloadable MTH resources or head to Eligible educators can join FirstBook's Network to bring new books and resources to the classroom.

Become a FirstBook Member

Hear from Read Across America Authors

We've interviewed several authors on our School Me podcast. Donna Barba Higuera discusses El Cucuy is Scared, Too! and why she is so passionate about writing books that feature multiracial children, families, and identities. Wendy Shang, author of The Secret Battle of Evan Pao talks about why representation matters. Andrea Davis Pinkney, author of Loretta Little Looks Back: Three Voices Go Tell It, discusses the power of storytelling. And Duncan Tonatiuh, author of A Land of Books: Dreams of Young Mexihcah Word Painters, makes the case for the freedom to read.

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About Read Across America

What is NEA's Read Across America? Find answers to your frequently asked questions about the National Education Association's year-round celebration of diverse books and meet the people behind it.
A woman and her son use a laptop together

Join Our Community of Readers

Are you a teacher, librarian, educator, author, or devoted book worm? Join the Read Across America Facebook group to share resources, ideas, and experiences as we celebrate a nation of diverse readers.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.