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Continuing to lead the way for public education and issues affecting retired educators.
NEA-Retired Annual Meeting group photo

Mission: NEA-Retired is dedicated to promoting secure retirement with dignity, advancing equitable and quality public education, and advocating for human, civil, and economic rights for all.

Vision: The vision of NEA-Retired is to become the preeminent voice for retired members while strengthening NEA

NEA-Retired works to meet the needs of retired education employees. We work with active NEA members to: 

  • Protect and improve retirement pension, and health benefits—including state pensions, Social Security, and Medicare.
  • Improve public education through mentoring, literacy, and intergenerational programs and activities.
  • Achieve legislative and political action goals for education and education employees.

Registration is now open - NEA Retired Conference

Join us for the NEA-Retired Conference on March 3-5, 2024.

This year’s conference theme is “EDUCATION. DEMOCRACY. FREEDOM. OUR RIGHT! OUR RESPONSIBILITY Retired and Powerful. Promoting, Protecting and Strengthening Education.

We are excited to offer our members training, professional learning, and leadership opportunities. The conference is full of sessions and activities that allow members to learn, connect, and have fun while remaining safe.

To register for the Retired Conference only, CLICK HERE
To register for the Retired and Leadership Conferences, CLICK HERE.

NEA members/non-members Registration Fee $120.00 (Retired Conference Only).

The conference hotel is the Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL. 151 East Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60601. To reserve your room, CLICK HERE by February 10th.

View the Conference Agenda

2024 Nominations

Nominations for 2024 NEA-Retired positions are now open. Information about the nomination process and links to the nomination forms are here.

Our Leaders & Governance

NEA-Retired is governed by a nine-member Executive Council, elected by NEA-Retired members. NEA-Retired members serve on various committees within NEA and meet annually in June to conduct business of the organization.

Organizing Grants

Each year the NEA Center for Organizing, in collaboration with NEA-Retired, awards State Organizing Grants to State Retired entities. Grants are used for Membership Recruitment, Organizing New Retired Locals, Retired Organizing Projects, Creating Retired Activists, Developing Retired Leaders, or Developing and Strengthening Community Partnerships.

Find more information on Retired Organizing Grants and application information.

Calendar of Events

Find more opportunities to connect and contribute.

Jack Kinnaman Scholarships

Applications for the Scholarships are now being accepted

Thanks to the generosity of many NEA-Retired members, five NEA-Retired Jack Kinnaman scholarships were awarded during the 2023 Retired Annual Meeting. Each scholarship amount was $3,500, a significant contribution toward an Aspiring Educator’s higher education costs. From the first $1,000 award to one recipient in 2002, the program has grown significantly and now has awarded a total of over $107,000 in scholarship money to 51 Aspiring Educators.

To learn more about Jack Kinnaman, and for information on how to contribute to this incredibly impactful program, visit this webpage. All contributions, regardless of amount, are welcome; in fact, most donations are from small dollar donors who give less than $100. To ensure that your contribution is properly credited, please remember to make checks payable to “The NEA Foundation” and in the memo line, reference “Kinnaman Scholarships."


Many opportunities exist for you to take action for retired educators and public education.

M.O.R.E. Projects

The M.O.R.E. Project is designed to mobilize, organize, recruit, and engage retirees in the strategic priorities of the NEA and its state affiliates. Active in Florida and Arizona, the M.O.R.E. Project is scheduled to expand to Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas in 2020.

Be a part of the NEA Retired Rapid Response Team!

Join with over 3,000 other NEA-Retired Members that live within a 50 mile radius of downtown Washington, DC. Your expertise and years of experience are crucial during this critical turning point in NEA’s history.

NEA-Retired Member Organizing Toolkit

NEA Retirees are helping to advocate for public education community by community, school by school, educator by educator, one conversation at a time — whether that’s on a front porch or in a classroom. They’re committed to dialoging with the next generation of educator organizers, because at the end of the day, they aren’t the first to fight for public education, and they won’t be the last. This organizing toolkit will help retirees take action — teaching, and training others in organizing for public education. Dive in to find help with assessing educational issues, needs and resources, addressing one-on-one conversation skills, engaging stakeholders, and building leadership.

Download the NEA-Retired Member Organizing Toolkit (PDF, 4.5MB, 98pgs)

Sam Evelyn Morgan Rock

Learn more about NEA-Retired

Now more than ever the commitment continues. Learn how NEA-Retired works to meet the needs of retired education employees (like Sam Evelyn Rock from the Chattanooga Hamilton County Retired Teachers Assn in Tennessee at right) and how to join.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.